horrible happenings

I’m in London at the moment, but I’ll be heading to Heathrow for Eastercon later today.

Some time after 2pm this afternoon I’m back on “Arts Brew” on the Internet Radio Z103, and I’ll be discussing the forthcoming Cúirt International Festival of Literature in Galway, among other things.

World Horror Convention in Brighton last weekend was tremendous fun, if somewhat exhausting. The samples of the Roisin Dubh comic book arrived just in time for the convention on Friday morning, and it was a real joy to hold the 10-page preview.

The panel I moderated about Women in Horror was excellent: our panellists were articulate and the audience asked questions and offered input. Afterwards several people told me it was one of their favourite events of the convention.

I managed to meet up with another comic book artist on Tuesday night here in London about a different project on which I’m beginning work. I hope to announce something about this in the coming months, but it’s early days yet.

Here’s my schedule for Eastercon:

On Friday at 4pm I’ll be in the Tetworth room moderating a panel on “SF – Taking Shows From TV to Audio”.

At 2pm on Saurday I’ll be moderating a panel about “Writers and the Web – Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.” in the Connaught room.

Much later that day at 9pm in the Connaught room I’ll be moderating a panel on “Small Press Comics and Webcomics”.

Also, David Barnett wrote about the Campaign for Real Fear competition that Chris Fowler and I are running over on The Guardian. Since World Horror Convention – where I plugged the competition – we’ve seen a big increase in entries, with even more sliding into our inbox since The Guardian piece.

We’re now into April, so please remember the deadline for entries is the 16th.

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