Bone Mother

‘Bone Mother’ is a short story I wrote in 2006 while attending Clarion West. It was subsequently published in the Fantasy anthology in 2007, edited by Paul Tremblay and Sean Wallace.

You can listen to a reading of ‘Bone Mother’ by Cat Rambo from 2009 as part of the horror podcast publisher Pseudopod. I blogged about the writing of the story on this web site at that time.

It was adapted as a short stop-motion animated film by Sylvie Trouvé and Dale Hayward (See Creature animation company), and produced for the National Film Board of Canada by Jelena Popovic. The eight-minute short film received its première at the Festival Stop Motion in Montreal in 2018.

The short film is now online and you can watch it here, courtesy of the NFB.

The story was finally reprinted in my 2019 short story collection, The Boughs Withered (When I Told Them My Dreams).