• Witchfinder Vol 3 en français

    Youpi! At the beginning of the month Delcourt published a French translation of Witchfinder volume 3, which has the cooler-sounding subtitle: Les Mystères d’Unland. Here’s the French synopsis of the story: Sir Edward Grey est envoyé à Hallam pour enquêter sur la mort d’un officiel qui était en mission pour le compte de la Couronne. Une fois sur place, on lui raconte la légende d’Unland, une zone marécageuse qui entoure la ville, où des créatures mystérieuses se terrent. Les doutes de Grey disparaissent lorsqu’il les rencontre et qu’il comprend que Hallam est une ville pleine de secrets. I don’t know who handled the translation, but I’ll attempt to uncover that…

  • Contes pour faire peur

    By the way there is a paperback edition of Twisted Fairy Tales available in France, titled Contes pour faire peur, which is translated by Marie-Paule Zierski. Here are the details: Editeur : Terres Editions Collection : BEAUX LIVRES Langue : Français ISBN-10: 2355301646 ISBN-13: 978-2355301643 Purchase: Amazon.fr

  • magnifique

    I finished the re-writes on the story I wrote earlier in the month and I’ve sent it out to a market. I have to keep rolling the dice. I watched the terrific low-budget French horror film, Maléfique (2002), today. I saw the film originally at the London horror film festival, FrightFest a number of years ago, where the director, Eric Valette, gave a Q&A afterwards. The film made a lasting impression on me, so I was delighted it got a DVD release. The lads behind FrightFest have shown considerable foresight and have established their own DVD label, FrightFest Presents. Maléfique is the second title in their catalogue of horror flicks.…