turn to the sun

Narcissus turns to the sun

In mid-January I bought a flower pot that came with four Narcissus bulbs and compost.

It took about five minutes to sow them, and after that I stuck them on the windowsill and watered them every now and again.

There is something quite magical about putting a seed in the ground and watching it sprout into a plant. The stems are long and willowy, almost a meter, and I was very excited when they burst into bloom the other day.

As seems usual, three of them were quicker off the mark than their smaller sibling. A late developer – perhaps it will be most wise.

I snapped this picture during a sunny spell, in between a dull morning and a wet afternoon.

Like this flower I’m turning my face to the sun. I’m heading off to Mallorca tomorrow, hoping to bathe in warmth for a while. I have writing to do while I’m away, but otherwise I hope not to do too much other than stroll down new streets and perhaps have a leisurely drink.

I’ll be away for most of the next ten days, but depending on my access I hope to post the occasional communiqué.

I will vote in Ireland’s General Election tomorrow however, before I jet away from the ensuing political shakedown.

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