Story in Night Land Quarterly 25

I am late to mention that my story, ‘The Light at the Centre’ (which you can read in my collection The Boughs Withered), has been translated into Japanese!

This is the first time one of my stories has been translated, and my thanks goes to editor Akira Okawada for asking for the translation rights for his journal, Night Land Quarterly, and to my lovely translator Ottogiro Machikane for his questions regarding a few phrases.

You can read my story, “闇の芯にまばゆい灯り(Yami-no-shin-ni-mabayui-akari)” in Japanese in Night Land Quarterly Volume 25, issued in June 2021. Due to COVID-19 there is a delay in getting any post so I’ve yet to see it, but I’m delighted that the story is available to a new audience of readers.

I attended Worldcon in 2007 in Japan, and spent three weeks exploring the country. It remains one of the best trips of my life so far, which makes me particularly happy that a small part of me now resides in that beautiful island.

One day I shall return!

The story was originally published in Uncertainties Volume 1, by Swan River Press in 2016.

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