Story in Judge Dredd Megazine 424

Judge Dredd Megazine has been continuously produced for thirty magnificent years, so I consider it a huge honour to have a story in this historic issue.

It’s an Anderson: PSI Division story, called ‘No Country for Old PSIs’ with art by Steven Austin, colours by Barbara Nosenzo and letters by Simon Bowland – as ever I’m delighted by the team effort!

The grimtastic cover is by Greg Staples.

The contributors to this issue are a Who’s Who of 2000 AD writers, artists, colourers and letterers so it’s a rather out-of-body experience to consider I’m among them.

As ever florix grabundae to Tharg, aka editor Matt Smith, for his support. You can read an interview with Matt about this 30th Anniversary edition on the Hollywood Reporter web site, which makes for fascinating reading.

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