write, always write

There are times when I find it hard to be satisfied with my progress.

Recently a friend of mine complimented me on the work I’ve completed over the past couple of years, and I found it hard to accept. I never think I’m doing enough.

Perhaps that’s because as the years roll on and I complete more projects I know I can do more work. Even now, as I sit upon a record number (for me) of submissions, and rejections, I berate myself for my perceived sloth.

We all have low points. The “Black-Eyed Dog”, as Nick Drake put it, sniffs around our home, scratches at the door, and whimpers our name for entry.

Never let the dog in. He will circle and settle in for a protracted stay.

Pat him on the head, give him a dish of water, and send him on to haunt some other poor soul.

My antidote for the dog is to write. My countermeasure for rejection is to write. My bulwark against the constant wait for responses is to write.

At least it means I write regularly.

Just not enough. Never enough at the moment.


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